Mảng bám trên răng: đừng coi thường!
Mảng bám trên răng gây hôi miệng, sâu răng, khiến răng ố vàng, chảy máu nướu (lợi), nhạy cảm, không chỉ mang lại cảm giác khó chịu về thẩm mỹ mà còn liên quan đến nhiều bệnh răng miệng nguy hiểm. Loại bỏ tác hại do mảng bám gây nên không khó nếu chúng ta […]

Replacing All Teeth in Upper or Lower Jaw
If you are missing, or need to remove all teeth in one or both jaws, implants may allow you to have a fixed full-arch bridge fabricated as well.

Replacing Multiple Teeth
Replacing multiple teeth can be achieved with a multiple single-tooth implant restoration, with implant fixed partial dentures (implant bridges), with a removable partial denture (RPD), or with a conventional fixed partial denture (FPD).

Replacing a Single Tooth
Replacing a single tooth can be achieved with a conventional bridge or an implant retained crown. The conventional fixed partial denture (fixed bridge) requires that your dentist drills down two or more adjacent teeth to create space for the crowns of the prosthetic teeth. Placing a bridge on natural teeth increases the functional forces that […]

Common Causes of Tooth Loss
If you have lost one or more teeth, dental implants are an excellent treatment option. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons – congenital absence, trauma, dental disease (e.g. caries or periodontal disease), as well as mechanical failure.

Healing and Treatment Care
How long does it take for implants to heal? Healing times for implants vary depending on the quality of the patient’s bone and are often extended in cases where performing adjunctive procedures is necessary. In general, dental implants require two to four months for the bone to heal (without being exposed to extra forces from […]